The concept of “Green Cleaning” involves reducing the negative impact on human and environmental health through cleaning methods that incorporates products that help improve health and environment of a building and its occupants.
The term “green cleaning” is often misunderstood. Green cleaning is a comprehensive process. It is composed of environmentally-preferable or reduced-risk products, techniques, and regular cleaning and maintenance scheduling.
Cleaning is often viewed as an aesthetic undertaking, rather than actually being given the true value of its purpose, which is sanitation. When maintaining buildings, often the cleaning budget is one of the first budgets reduced when cost-cutting measures are needed for various reasons. The value of cleaning to any organization is often not recognized as being instrumental in producing a means to profitability or contributing value to a building and its occupants when in actuality it is a complete approach to cleaning. A true “green” cleaning program has the appropriate tools, equipment, disposables, regular scheduling and, most importantly, training on correct procedures. A properly designed and implemented “green” cleaning program will have a positive impact on the cleanliness of a facility and the health of its occupants.
“Green” cleaning is about examining the entire cleaning process based upon the assessment of space, products, and work practices to maximize cleanliness, while at the same time reducing unnecessary hazardous cleaning chemical exposures to patients, staff, and visitors. The process focuses on improving indoor air quality, recycling, and minimizing the use of raw materials and toxic products.
“Green” products are the pro-active choice for the professional who is selecting cleaners for institutional and industrial use in the sanitary maintenance industry and has environmental concerns in mind.
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Features & Benefits:
- Helps decrease air pollution, water pollution, ozone depletion and global climate change
- Reduces health problems associated with allergens, chemical sensitivities and contaminants, such as mold and bacteria.
- Increases worker satisfaction, improve employee morale, reduce absenteeism and promote productivity, efficiency and retention. Benefits of green cleaning programs are well documented.
- Helps reduce the cost to building management and tenants, including costs associated with sick leave and productivity loss.
- Enhances an organizations reputation and brand equity, because being socially conscious has become a desirable business trait.